Test if you are likely to get Scammed with Google's Phishing Test

Test if you are likely to get Scammed with Google’s Phishing Test
Jigsaw, an experimental project at Google tasked with trying to solve problems in the tech world, has set a phishing test to see how easily you can be scammed. The test is free and well worth the few minutes it will take as it not only tests whether you can tell the difference between legitimate and phishing email but also educates you on the differences. Use this link phishing quiz to take the test and it should only take a short time to complete. All of the emails, at first glance, looked legitimate. It was only after closely checking the sender’s email address and mousing over links to check addresses thoroughly that I could tell which messages were most likely scams. After you answer each question, you are told whether you correctly picked the phishing message and then receive some quick notes on why each specific message may or may not be an attack.
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