Exciting times as I have completely redesigned the Next Century (nextcentury.net.au) website making it a lot easier to navigate and added more information on services I offer.
I’ve still to go through it with a fine tooth comb looking for any issues, but if you spot anything or have any problem with it, please do let me know.
Here some of the main changes:
This has been changed to an entirely new system that not only will notify you via email about appointments, it also works via SMS as well.
Improved the guides section for help with Avast CloudCare, DropSuite and Microsoft products.
Cleaned up this section to make it clearer what services I offer
More Changes To Come
I’ve still got more changes I want to make to the website as Zendesk have been making a lot of changes as well lately, which has impacted the live chat which I use on the website. So it’s not quite working as I would like it, but hopefully I get this resolved soon.
Plus quite a few minor tweaks as well throughout the website plus additional guides.
Otherwise, plan on a lot more news articles to be added which then links to my social accounts, FaceBook, LinkedIn and Twitter.